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The Neighborhood

Updated: Dec 6, 2023

This piece was created during the summer of 2020 in Marble, CO. It is the result of a direct carving endeavor that I embarked on after recovering from a serious ski injury

and a mild case of Covid-19. In the beginning my intention was simply to allow the stone to solely guide and inspire my tools. Eventually, I found my current circumstances and mindset to be just as influential in directing my hand. The global pandemic, the small community of artists around me, the tools I used, and my subconscious processes were all present in the shaping of this work. The original raw form of the stone lent itself to creating a landscape across its surface. The satisfyingly clean cuts of my new diamond grinder blade encouraged me to explore a world of 90 degree angles, and fellow carvers gifted me different small pieces of colored stone that begged to be included. As the piece advanced, its conceptual significance became clearer. For me, this is the most beautiful moment in the process of direct carving. As the creator, both conscious and subconscious ideas will influence what you are making whether they are intentional or not.

When I resist starting off with a clearly defined concept, I find that the end result is a much deeper and developed idea that emerges from the sculpture organically. The Neighborhood eventually started speaking to me about fitting in to a community, navigating a populated space, and riding this world ship through choppy seas.

This piece is available for sale, please send me a message to inquire about price.

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